Friday, July 16, 2010

One Month Check-Up

In four days, Cooper will be one month old! It's amazing how time flies by and see how much he's grown. Today, we went to the pediatrician's office for Cooper's one month check-up. I guess, we're doing a good job as he's a growing boy. Cooper weighs in at 9 lbs. 11 oz, gaining 2 lbs. from his lowest weight. He's also grown 2" in length, being 22" in length.

All other organs are doing well. Cooper is also able to extend his head when placed on his tummy to 45 degrees and maintain it for at least 5 seconds, impressing us all. We'll be doing more tummy time on the floor. So far, we've been doing mostly tummy time on our tummies while we're laying down; but we've done it on the floor only a couple of times. He's been more alert and awake during the day. He can track our faces and loves looking at his black and white book, especially the butterfly...his eyes get really wide!

Poor Cooper is going through a bout of baby acne, though it's getting better. I guess, it's from hormonal changes during the pregnancy. They say it's more common in boys than girls. There's no treatment, just patience as it will eventually clear up. I have been gently washing his face with water using a cotton ball 2-3 times a day and no lotions or oils because that can make the acne worse. The ped recommended that we use Dreft on our clothing as the adult detergent can irritate his skin. It has been clearing up from last week and only looks worse when he gets fussy and irritated.

The ped recommended that we try gas drops if he continues to have issues with gassiness. It may help him pass gas better and be less painful. He's getting better at burping and I think that helps with the fussiness.

So all in all, he's doing well!

1 comment:

Hilleri said...

I have a play mat you can borrow that Cooper can play with when he is on his tummy and back. Just let me know :)