Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cooper's Nursery

Cooper doesn't have his room yet, but that doesn't mean I haven't been getting it ready. We did put together his crib thinking he'd like sleeping in it better than his bassinet, but not so. We can get him to sleep, but once you put him down in the crib, he starts to cry. So, Cooper has been sleeping with us....yes, we've broken down and for the past two days, he's been taking up a third of the bed. For safe measure, he sleeps on his changing pad which he loves anyways. The changing pad is contoured so he doesn't move out of it and it's a few inches off the bed, so we feel pretty safe we're not going to roll over on him. He sleeps great when he's sleeping with us. Last night he slept for almost six hours.

Once Auntie Jennifer moves, Chuck and I will be moving into the "green" room and Cooper will stay where we've been sleeping since it's already a boy-friendly color of blue. A few years back I started stripping the white paint of the trim, thinking we'd restore it to a "wood"-like state. But it's going to be a big job, one I don't feel like tackling and I think the white trim looks good with the blue. So we have a few things we have to do with the room (paint the trim and "walk-in" closet) before I start decorating it with trains, planes and automobiles!

Yup, he's a boy and so it's all about decorating his room with plane, trains and automobiles! I didn't want pastel-ish colors, so we're going for bold reds, blues, greens and oranges. A lot of his accents are reds and oranges than blues and greens.

Here are a few finds that I got for his room:

Blik's Race Ya Wall Decal

Flensted's Aeromobile Click-A-Mobile

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