Sunday, September 5, 2010


Sorry for the videos, but his head is cut off a little bit!  The original ones were fine, but when I downloaded them here, his head was cut off.  And I don't feel like fiddling with it...

Cooper usually doesn't like his swing, though he is getting used to it more and more.  He has finally discovered the swing's mobile and lights above his head.  Here he is looking intently upwards towards the mobile and lights.  Even so, he is getting quite fussy...mostly because he was a hungry boy.

Cooper playing on his activity mat.  I was trying to get him to roll from back to left side as he did it twice before I started videotaping him.  He's playing quite contently on his mat.  For the past couple of weeks, he has been grabbing for the toys and swatting at them.  He really likes the toy that plays music and has flashy lights.

He finally did it for me to catch it on tape!  He rolled again from his back to his left side.  Later, we tried putting him on his tummy to see if he would roll from tummy to back; but he didn't.  He hasn't done that in awhile.  We have attributed it to his cloth diapers as they are a bit bulkier than disposable ones.  In this video, he was wearing disposable diapers.

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