Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh The Headache...

If we ever decide to have another child, I won't have any problem detecting my ovulation period. Pre-pregnancy, I have had abdominal pain and cramps during ovulation, but ever since I had Cooper, it has gotten worse.  And not only that, but now I also experience bloating, headaches and nausea.  Oh the fun!  Fortunately, it only lasts a few days; but then the pre-menstrual symptoms (which are pretty much the same for me) starts up and then I again suffer.  I haven't had to take Midol since I was a teenager and looks like I'll to start up again.

1 comment:

Scrapping in Circles said...

I hope this isn't too personal a comment, but do you take birth control pills? I've known people who said they had similar pre-men. symptoms when they were on them, and they were lessoned when they went off. You could try a natural way of preventing pregnancy. There are some really effective methods. Let me know if you want more info. Good luck!!!