Monday, March 31, 2008

The IKEA Experience in Bologna

Since Chuck rented a car to pick me up from the airport and had the rental car until Monday, we decided to buy a few things for the apartment and headed to the IKEA in Bologna.  Bologna is about thirty to forty minutes away from Maranello and is a bigger city, about the size of Everett.  

I learned a few things about Italian life on this trip to IKEA.

1.  Most of all stores on Sundays except for bars (coffee shops) and some restaurants.  I think this is most true for the smaller towns as IKEA in Bologna was open and packed full of people.  As we were driving by the smaller towns, we saw people at flea markets.  In Vignola, there was a fair and a mass of people were walking towards the town center. 

2.  People drive crazy over here, or at least compared to the states.  If you are a slowpoke driver, you should not drive on the left lane!  I've never seen so many cars zip by so fast!  The motorcyclists, as they are plenty of them, will either pass cars on the left or right (mostly on the left).  We saw this one car pass a car on the left because he was going to slow, but then stop immediately to turn left at their house!  Not very patient drivers!!  Beware pedestrians, as cars will not stop for them.  

3.  Though Italians drive fast, on foot they slowly meander and are utterly unaware of those around then at times.  At IKEA, as I was trying to make my way down the main walkway people would stop in the middle of the walkway to talk or are walking way slowly.  I guess I'm used to the hustle and bustle of the States.

But it's definitely beautiful here.  There a lot of rolling hills with tons of grapevines scattered about the countryside.  We passed by some old castles and homes.  I didn't have my camera, which I'll need to remember to bring so I can post some pictures.  I'll soon post some pictures, especially when we go on small trips during the weekend. 

I'm suffering from jet lag as I couldn't sleep last night, along with my coughing fits (which now only happens at night).  I woke up at noon today.  It'll be awhile until my body can adjust to this different time zone.  Poor Chuck, he has to deal with my coughing fits and tossing turning body at night!  


AndreaUmayam said...

Hi Valerie!
Sounds like things are going rather well for you in Italy! I'm glad you made it there safely. That's interesting about the Italians' meandering and little concern for personal space. It's funny because, in thinking about it, we do rush around quite a lot here, whenever out and about, doing errands or shopping. I remember how the 2 lane highways in Spain and how the cars and motorbikes would zip by at 100+ mph! Have you met many Italians who speak English? Do tell more!

Take care dear!! ~Andrea

Valerie said...

I have yet to meet any other Italians that speak English. I am still in the midst adjusting to a new life. I've been out a few times, mostly with Chuck. I hope to venture out by myself by the end of this week though! I've been getting used to not working! I've been keeping busy cleaning (Chuck left me a few messes to tend to:)), scrapbooking, and learning Italian. Hope everyone at work is well. Please keep in touch. Love, Valerie