Monday, May 4, 2009

Countdown to San Diego!

I can't believe tomorrow is my last day of work and of living in Seattle!  Sad to say, but I'm relieved to spend a few months unemployed.  I've been thoroughly exhausted, mostly mentally than physically, from work; especially since working sporadically last year.  I got used to having a few months off between working full-time and it is definitely time for that rest break!!  

So, Chuck and I begin our road trip Wednesday morning.  We plan to spend the day in Portland and stay overnight.  I am in the market for a new road bicycle and since Oregon has no sales tax, we decided to buy my bike there.  We left my old bike, sans my Egg Beater pedals, in Italy since it wasn't worth the money to fly it back to the States. I'm excited to add California road miles to my brand new bike! 

We haven't planned the rest of the trip, but we plan to drive long and far the second day; hopefully, making it to northern California.  We just have to make it to San Diego by Friday afternoon to get the keys to our apartment.  Hopefully, I'll have wifi and will post pictures of our trip along the way!

Until then, it was really nice to see a few of our family and friends before we hit the road and start anew in another city.  It has been a very hectic last week in Seattle, but definitely worth it!  

1 comment:

Scrapping in Circles said...

Have a wonderful trip and move. Enjoy the sunny weather while we all get drenched.