Cooper is 5 months old!
What he has been doing at 5 months old:
He's trying to commando crawl. He moves his legs forward, butt up, and head into the floor as he can't move his arms forward at the same time.
He is very talkative...well, screeching and making sounds. He has said "ma", but doesn't say it directly to me.
He likes to laugh if you make funny sounds or faces at him.
He can sit unsupported for a few seconds. He doesn't like sitting too much and prefers tummy time.
He can roll from back to tummy to back. We have to watch him real closely now on the bed.
He raises up on his arms really well.
We've been trying different foods. I have made carrot and butternut squash purees. He really loved the carrots, but is still unsure about the squash. Tonight was the first sample of the butternut squash, so we'll see how it goes. I pureed a whole squash, so he has a lot of squash to eat! I bought this really cool
food storage container to portion out the puree. I want to buy another one, but you can pop out the frozen portions and put them in a ziploc bag to use it again.
Cooper also tried peas which he liked as well, but not as much as the carrots. Of course, the carrots were his favorites because they are sweeter than the other vegetables. So far, he hasn't been picky...I hope that is a sign that he won't be a picky eater as he grows older!
We were blessed with a very happy baby! My relatives commented on Thanksgiving that they didn't realize there was a baby in the room because he wasn't crying!! And he doesn't cry too much, usually when he's hungry or tired.
I'm trying to get Cooper used to sitting. He's not a big fan of being propped up to sit. If I try to prop him up on the couch to sit, he tends to extend backwards and slides forward. He doesn't do that too much if I sit him on the floor, but it's not his favorite way to be.
I can't believe in 3 weeks Cooper will be 6 months old!! Time goes by too fast.