Wednesday, April 16, 2008

St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria

Last weekend, Chuck and I joined several other Ferrari employees on a weekend getaway at St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria. It's about a four hour beautiful drive through many vineyards that gave way to the expansive mountains of the Alps. The snow was really great on Saturday as it was cooler and lightly snowing giving us a layer of powdery snow to enjoy boarding. It was sunny and warm on Sunday, a great day to spend outside; but the snow became very slushy and was very tiring boarding in those conditions. Overall, it was a fun and relaxing trip. Though now, I'm recuperating my sore muscles as it has been a few months since I've last snowboarded! I'm much better now than on Monday as I dreaded going up and down the stairs stretching my ever sore calf muscles.  Oh how I missed German/Austrian food!! I gorged myself with weiner schneitzel, pomme frites, curry wurst, goulash, homemade pretzels, and of course, weiss beer. Yummy! Thank god, I was able to burn off the extra calories boarding!! 

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