Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's A Boy!

Yesterday, we had an anatomy ultrasound scan of baby boy Rust. It's amazing how much he's grown in a month! He's in the 48th percentile for weight, weighing in at 9 ounces and his heart rate is a healthy 141 bpm. We saw him hiccup, punch his fists in the fluid, and turn his head sideways! He was being a bit stubborn and kept his legs closed. It was a while until the ultrasound technician could pronounce him a boy. She had to wiggle my belly with the ultrasound head to see if he'd budge and open up his legs, but he was being modest for a long time. Finally, he cooperated and we saw his penis! Definitely a boy, she said.

The doctor called today and said baby boy Rust is looking good. Nothing abnormal on the ultrasound. I'm progressing well in my pregnancy.

I thought he was sucking his thumb, which is not all surprising, as I was a big thumb sucker as a kid. He kept punching his fists in the fluid. The technician said he was a very active baby as he kept wriggling around.

The technician said he's developing normally. His spine, brain, heart and everything else is looking good.

The money shot!! It's definitely a boy!!!!!


MJ said...

Congrats, you guys!! So excited for you...

Scrapping in Circles said...
