Wednesday, April 7, 2010

29 Weeks

I am 100% better than last week. The cough is gone and now Chuck doesn't have to take reprieve on the couch to catch a few zzzz's at night. I'm still a little congested, but that's getting better. I wish I had the same energy as pre-pregnancy, but I'm getting bigger and much sluggish at work. It is also getting tougher to squat and bend over! Fortunately, I can still lift and assist patients as long as they aren't needing maximal or total assist. Realistically, I'll be working until I'm 33-34 weeks 5 weeks!! I have my doctor's appointment at the end of the month and will see when she'll put me on disability leave.

Tonight, Chuck and I are going to our first childbirth preparation class. Actually, it is the last class of the series. We don't start our classes until May 12th. Since the last class is on June 9th, the instructor thought we should attend the last class tonight...just in case I go into early labor. It is only a little over a week before my due date! She thought we'd feel more comfortable finishing the class a week earlier. We won't be totally lost in class tonight as it's not building on any of the classes. Tonight's topic is Baby Care Basics. How fun!

How Far Along:
29 weeks and only 11 more to go!!
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs. and holding. Didn't gain a lb. since last week. I may make my goal of 35 lbs. total weight gain.
Maternity Clothes: Only clothing I can least pants-wise. I can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy tops...though they are much shorter!
Sleep: Sleeping at least 6 1/2 - 7 hours and getting up just once to pee.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting over this cough and entering the 3rd trimester!
Movement: He's a very active boy.
Food Craving: Fruit.
Food Aversions: None!
Morning Sickness: Some queasiness intermittently, but it passes.
Gender: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: Not for 11 weeks, + or - 1 weeks.
Belly Button: Still an innie! But trying to poke out.
What I Miss: My pre-pregnancy body!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Not working!!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Take each day as it comes...don't stress yourself out.
Milestones: Making it to the 3rd trimester!!!

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