Thursday, May 6, 2010

33 Weeks and 2-5 days MD Appt.

My MD is going to sign all the paperwork for me to start my disability officially on Monday. I have to wait a week until they mail in the application to the State and start receiving compensation for wages lost while on pregnancy-related disability. I can't believe I'll be taking off work so soon. I thought I'd be working at least through my 36-38th week, but I'm just getting really physically and mentally tired at work. Plus, I have more time to start "nesting" and spending time with family when they visit beginning June.

I have my in-laws arriving the first week of June and will be here for a month. My brother-in-law and his family will be in town for a week. They most likely won't see the baby since they are here the first week of June, but it'll be nice to see them again. My parents plan to be here for the birth and stay for two weeks and my sister will be here for a week a few days after the baby's supposed due date. Hopefully, baby boy will decide to come right before or at least while my sister is in town!! It's so hard to predict when he'll be making his appearance.

The MD said everything is going well. It was such a short visit...takes me longer to drive, sit and wait than my actual one-to-one visit with the MD. I guess that's good since it means me and baby are doing well. My blood pressure is good. I actually lost a pound. She didn't seem to worry, so I guess that's ok. And baby boy's heart rate is a healthy 150 bpm. He's kicking more than 10 times in an hour. All-in-all, the best I could ever ask for.

At the next visit, they'll start checking my cervix to see if I'm dilating at all! Oh my gosh, it's going by so fast!!!! Chuck and I are starting our childbirth prep class on Wednesday and have our breastfeeding class on Friday. It's going to be a very busy time from now and until forever, but I'm so enjoying it!!!!!

Anyways, off to eating lunch and then spending the rest of the day scrapbooking since I have the day off today :)

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