Wednesday, May 26, 2010

36 Weeks Pregnant

I am to the point where I'd just like to be in labor now. In another week I'll be considered full-term and wouldn't mind an early delivery! Having no job, at a standstill with "nesting" as we are in the process of moving, tired of my hobbies, and reading up on pregnancy-related stuff has really made be antsy. I guess I'm just tired of waiting....and being worried about other things that I really don't want to go into.

Anyways, I just got back from my weekly ob-gyn appointment and everything is progressing along. Baby is in a head-down position ready to make his entrance to the world....hopefully, he'll stay that way. The doctor said that I'm 50-75% effaced, though didn't tell me how much I'm dilated. I guess it's pretty normal for first-time moms to be more effaced than dilated and vice versa for 2nd timers. The doctor thinks I may be delivering this baby sooner than later which is good news! Though I think my parents would be pretty disappointed not being there for the actual labor, I'm just being impatient. Either way, I just hope this baby is healthy prior to making an appearance to the outside world.

How Far Along:
36 weeks and only 4 more to go...or less!
Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs. Looks like I'll be in my target weight gain range of 30-35 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: My shirts are barely covering the stretchy band of my pants. I can't wait to retire these clothes....I'm tired of wearing the same old things.
Sleep: Sleeping later since I don't have to work so get to bed around 1 a.m or 2 a.m. Then I usually sleep through the night and wake up around 9 a.m. So, I'm getting around 6-7 hours of good sleep.
Best Moment of the Week: The doctor telling me that this baby may be arriving sooner than later!
Movement: Jabbing, shifting and rolling around motions. Some shaking of the belly...hiccups? Feeling limbs!!
Food Craving: Everything.
Food Aversions: None!
Morning Sickness: I felt a little nauseous today, but passed. Acid reflux was bothersome last weekend, but it's settled down.
Gender: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: Not for 4 weeks, + or - 2 weeks.
Belly Button: Still in the transitional stage, though more outie than innie.
What I Miss: Deli meat. Triple shot tall Americano.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Family visiting, giving birth.
Weekly Wisdom: Healthcare workers are annoying at times.
Milestones: Being 50-75% effaced!

1 comment:

Scrapping in Circles said...

Oh Joanie! I remember that feeling well. With Sister my doctor kept telling me I was set to go for weeks. I even had my parents come down early because we were sure she'd be early. She didn't come until her due date, but the labor was pretty short.

Good luck and hopefully you can enjoy this lull before the storm as much as possible. I know it's tough. I'm not very good at waiting myself, so I totally get it.