Wednesday, May 19, 2010

35 Weeks Pregnant!

I just got back from the doctor's and everything is well with baby boy. His heart is beating in the 140s and he is engaged in the head down position. I'm dilated 1 cm and the doctor was able to feel the baby's head as well as him actively move in there! She said it was perfectly normal to be dilated at this time and that is usually what they'd like versus me not dilating at all. The doctor thinks I'll give birth to a 6-pounder which is good for my size. She'd rather see that than me delivering an 8-pounder!! She estimated that he probably weighs around 4.5 pounds right now. And bit on the wee side, but if I delivered early, it should be okay. So from now until I deliver, I'll be making weekly trips to the doctor's office. We did finally settle on a pediatrician and the ob-gyn said he was a very likable doctor. Anyways, things are progressing as planned!

How Far Along:
35 weeks and only 5 more to go :)
Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs. Looks like I'll be in my target weight gain range of 30-35 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: My shirts are barely covering the stretchy band of my pants.
Sleep: Sleeping soundly though getting up 1-2 times a night. Can't take naps during the day even if I get pretty tired during the day...and I'm not working.
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling the baby move daily.
Movement: Jabbing, shifting and rolling around motions. Some shaking of the belly...hiccups? Feeling limbs!!
Food Craving: Everything.
Food Aversions: None!
Morning Sickness: No. Some acid reflux.
Gender: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: Not for 5 weeks, + or - 2 weeks.
Belly Button: Still in the transitional stage.
What I Miss: Deli meat. Alcohol. Triple shot tall Americano.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Family visiting, giving birth.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't stress out about things you can't control.
Milestones: Being 1 cm dilated!!!!

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