Tuesday, May 4, 2010

33 Weeks!!!

I can't believe I have 7 weeks left...well, +/- 2 weeks. Everyone loves to tell me that your first born tends to be past due. It's ok, I guess. I'm still enjoying being pregnant. Baby boy is getting stronger every day as well as very active. He likes to change positions and causes my belly to contort....so weird, but a good feeling. It doesn't hurt, but just feels weird.

I see my MD on Thursday and I think I'm ready to quit working. It is getting more difficult to lift patients and my belly is such a hindrance on good body mechanics that my back hurts more often. I probably could work another 2 weeks, but mentally I've checked out!

How Far Along: 33 weeks and only 7 more to go :)
Total Weight Gain: 31 lbs. Yikes!!! Definitely going over my 35 lb. max...oh well. Hopefully to gain no more than 40 lbs.!!!!!!
Maternity Clothes: For sure.
Sleep: Good sleep, getting up 1-2 times a night.
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling the baby limbs move.
Movement: A lot of jabbing, shifting and rolling around motions. Some shaking of the belly...hiccups? Feeling limbs!!
Food Craving: Everything.
Food Aversions: None!
Morning Sickness: Getting better, less nausea this week.
Gender: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: Not for 7 weeks, + or - 2 weeks.
Belly Button: Still an innie :) But it's trying to be an outie!!
What I Miss: Deli meat. Alcohol.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Maternity leave! No more work!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Tune some of the info out that people volunteer to tell you...just because it happened to them doesn't mean it will be the same for you.
Milestones: Only 49 days to go!

1 comment:

Scrapping in Circles said...

Everyone told me my first would be late. They said not to expect her to be even close to her due date. So, I worked right up to it. She arrived nine minutes into her due date. Rest yourself and expect him to come early just in case. (=